
News -

Ensuring Safe Travel for Children: Analysis of...

Importance of Using Infant Car Seats In-Car Safety: Infant car seats are designed to protect infants and children from severe injury or death in the event of a car accident. Proper use of car seats can reduce the risk of...

Exciting News: o3baby Shop-in-Shop Now Open at...

We are thrilled to announce the official opening of our brand-new o3baby shop-in-shop at Hailey’s House, located on the 6th floor of Hopewell Shopping Mall in Wanchai! Spanning over 4,000 square feet, this vibrant space is designed to cater to...

Best Lightweight Strollers for Travel in 2024

As family travel becomes more popular, parents are increasingly looking for strollers that are lightweight, easy to fold, and fit into airplane overhead compartments. For stress-free trips with your little ones, here are the top travel stroller recommendations for 2024....

韓國 Lolbaby Hi-Jell-o 果凍降溫墊 - 不同設計適用於嬰兒床、兒童床、嬰兒車、餐椅、汽車安全座椅

使用韓國 Hi Jell-o 果凍降溫墊,體驗全年的舒適感,即使在最炎熱的夏天也能保持涼爽,為敏感的嬰兒皮膚提供舒緩的緩解,並有助於預防塵蟎。 告別因發燒而引起的不安之夜,因為這款多功能墊子可以用作冷卻墊、防水墊,甚至在溫暖的天氣里作為嬰兒和成人的舒適睡眠表面。保持體溫低, 使用Hi Jell-o 冷卻墊睡個好覺! 以紅外熱成像儀實測,產品連結: lolbaby 涼墊好處重點 :   通過韓國皮膚測試 , 不會造成寶寶皮膚的過敏或引起傷害.   有效防止有害微生物在表層滋生 , 能抗菌防蟎及防水隔尿 .   涼感物料柔軟舒適 , 加上立體定形及熱溶技術剪裁另到涼感物料不易變形或走位 在戶外32度太陽底下 , 與市面類似產品比較抗熱能力下得出相差多達17度 , 抗熱效果絕對另人驚喜 .  好多韓國 台灣用家用後推薦及好評 .

Celebrating the 5th anniversary of our revolutionary...

We are thrilled to announce that we are celebrating the 5th anniversary of our revolutionary One Touch MagicFold Baby Stroller! Over the past five years, this innovative product has transformed the lives of countless parents, providing a perfect blend of...


以下はMinikoioiシリコン製食器の利点のいくつかです:  1.**高い安全性**: Minikoioiのシリコン製食器は通常、食品用シリコンから作られており、BPAやフタル酸エステル、その他の有害物質を含んでいません。これは、それらが安全で無害であり、乳幼児に適していることを意味し、有害な化学物質を放出しないということです。 2.**高い耐久性**: シリコン製食器は非常に耐久性が高く、割れたり磨耗したりしにくいです。乳幼児が噛んだり落としたりしても、変形や破れないため、長期間使用することができ、食器の買い替えコストを節約できます。   3.**洗いやすさ**: Minikoioiのシリコン製食器は洗いやすく、手入れも簡単です。シリコンは滑らかな表面を持ち、食べ物がくっつきにくいため、温水とマイルドな洗剤で簡単に洗浄できます。また、多くのMinikoioiのシリコン製食器は食洗機での洗浄も可能です。 4.**温度安定性**: シリコンは優れた温度安定性を持ち、高温や低温に耐えられます。つまり、Minikoioiのシリコン製食器は電子レンジでの加熱も、冷蔵庫や冷凍庫での保存も安全に行えます。 5.**柔軟性と弾力性**: Minikoioiのシリコン製食器は柔らかい質感と弾力性を持ち、乳幼児が噛んだり使ったりするのに適しています。乳幼児の柔らかい歯にダメージを与えることなく、快適に使えます。 6.**多機能性**: Minikoioiのシリコン製食器は様々なデザインがあり、授乳、セルフフィーディング、遊びなどさまざまなシーンで使用できます。シンプルで実用的なデザインで、日常使用に適しており、同時に乳幼児の注意を引き、飲食の自立を促進することができます。

Minikoioi silicone utensils have several advantages, making...

Minikoioi silicone utensils have several advantages, making them the preferred choice for many families and parents. Here are some of the advantages of Minikoioi silicone utensils:   **High Safety**: Minikoioi silicone utensils are typically made from food-grade silicone, free from...

Thoughtful Gift Ideas for New Mums: What...

Thoughtful Gift Ideas for New Mums: What She Really Wants 26/4/2024 Becoming a new mum is definitely a highlight of life, but it can get exhausting from time to time. It takes a lot on a person to both give...

CYBEX SIRONA M2 I-SIZE – Newborn reversible...

CYBEX SIRONA M2 I-SIZE – Newborn reversible safety car seat 18/4/2024 0/3 baby collection is now conducting a CYBEX sales event, where a wide range of CYBEX prams, car seats, dining chairs and carriers will be on sale at unprecedentedly reduced prices! We...

The Eezy S Twist stroller—360˚ of sitting...

The Eezy S Twist stroller—360˚ of sitting comfort 11/4/2024 From 28 March to 30 April 2024, 0/3 baby collection will be conducting a limited time CYBEX sales event, where a wide range of CYBEX prams, car seats, dining chairs and...

CYBEX Balios S B - A comfortable...

CYBEX Balios S B - A comfortable and ideal resting environment for your infant 27/3/2024 From 28 March to 30 April 2024, 0/3 baby collection will be having a limited time sale of CYBEX prams, car seats, dining chairs and...

Cybex Mios – designed to make an...

Cybex Mios – designed to make an impression 25/3/2024 From 28 March to 30 April 2024, 0/3 baby collection will be having a limited time sale of CYBEX prams, car seats, dining chairs and carriers at unprecedented prices! This time,...

Exploring the Leclercbaby Stroller: A Versatile and...

The Ultimate Infant Car Seat Compatibility: Leclercbaby Stroller 7/3/2024 Introducing the Leclercbaby stroller: the pinnacle of adaptability for modern parents. Our innovative design ensures seamless compatibility with over 35 leading infant car seat brands, offering unparalleled convenience and versatility. Imagine...

Introducing the Leclercbaby LUXURY Bassinet: Elevating Comfort...

Introducing the Leclercbaby LUXURY Bassinet: Elevating Comfort and Convenience for Modern Parents 29/2/2024 In the realm of baby gear, finding the perfect stroller can be a game-changer for parents navigating the world with their little ones. Enter the Leclercbaby stroller,...

Exploring the Leclercbaby Stroller: A Versatile and...

Exploring the Leclercbaby Stroller: A Versatile and Convenient Companion for Parents 22 / 2 / 2024 In the realm of baby gear, finding the perfect stroller can be a game-changer for parents navigating the world with their little ones. Enter...

At what age can a baby use...

At what age can a baby use a baby carrier? 24/11/2023 Using a baby carrier can be a convenient and comfortable way to carry your baby, but it's important to consider the baby's age and development before using one. Generally,...

What are the benefits of using a...

What are the benefits of using a travel system for parents? 13/11/2023 When meeting up with friends at different locations such as coffee shops, parks, shopping malls, or their homes, have you ever considered using a travel system to transport...

Places for family day out 2024

Places for family day out 2024 10/11/2023 Autumn is always a good season to plan a family day out. Apart from traveling abroad, it's worth to explore the uncharted corners of Hong Kong once in a while! In fact, there...

Which crib mattress is the safest? How...

Which crib mattress is the safest? How do you choose the safest crib mattress for babies?   Choosing the safest crib mattress for your baby is crucial for their well-being. When selecting a crib mattress, consider the following factors: Firmness:...

Road Test for Your Favorite Stroller

Road Test for Your Favorite Stroller 27 Oct, 2023 When it comes to choosing the best stroller for your baby, one of the most important factors that will affect your baby's comfort is the wheel suspension function! However, when trying...

The hidden function of Leclerc basinet –...

The hidden function of Leclerc basinet – a multi-functional accessory 11/5/2023 The Leclerc stroller has quickly become a favorite of many families thanks to its elegant and durable design and its clever one-touch foldable machanism! The flat surface and the...

Your Purchase makes a different

Your Purchase makes a different 09/05/2023 This time leclerc and the non-profit organization Return to Sender are holding a very meaningful event! We will purchase a selection of handmade glass bead bracelets from women in Nepal at a reasonable price...


海關部門於上星期五發出一則新聞稿,稱嬰兒床有潛在安全問題。我司在此正式作出回應。 關於產品詳細測試結果資料,海關沒有向我司披露內容。我司一直致力提供優質產品給父母,因此提供以下相關安全使用和檢查知識,有關有機鍚物質的小知識,回應海關的新聞稿,之後提出事情跟進方式給大家瞭解。 第一部份 安全使用和檢查知識 在使用嬰兒床前,有些安全小知識需要留意: 1. 每次使用前,先檢查產品調較升降位置是否扣緊。 2. 移動嬰兒床前,必須先將兒童搬離嬰兒床。 3. 跟據說明書檢查組件是否齊全,安裝方法是否正確。可以嘗試用手大力拉拉鍊部件,看看是否有鬆脫情況出現。 4. 寶寶睡醒期間使用產品時,必須有成人看顧。 5. 嬰兒在出牙階段期間,會喜歡咬或咀嚼物件,以舒緩牙肉痕癢,例如會咬嬰兒床四邊。照顧者應避免嬰兒咀嚼,可以提供合適的牙膠給嬰兒咀嚼使用。 6.如發現組件脫落或失效,應停止使用及查詢代理商進行維修。   第二部份 有關有機鍚的小知識 新聞稿提及的有機錫是甚麼,通常在什麼地方會出現?   有機錫化合物在中文中的名稱為“有機錫化合物”或“錫有機化合物” ,有機錫主要來源包括食品包裝、農藥、化妝品、塑膠製品、醫療器材和防霉劑等。在塑膠製品中,有機錫通常用作穩定劑,以防止塑膠變質或脆化。在食品包裝中,有機錫則用作密封劑和防腐劑。此外有機錫也常用於農業和醫療等領域中,例如用於農藥和醫療器材的生產。   有機錫化合物被廣泛使用於工業產品和消費品中,包括嬰兒產品和食品包裝材料。然而,嬰兒可接受的有機錫化合物份量取決於化合物的種類、使用的產品種類和頻率等因素。   美國環境保護署(EPA)建議嬰兒每天接受的有機錫最大攝入量為5微克/公斤體重。歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)則建議嬰兒每天接受的最大攝入量為4微克/公斤體重。值得注意的是,不同國家和地區的有機錫化合物限制標準和法規可能存在差異,請根據當地相關標準和建議使用相關產品。   第三部份 回應海關新聞 海關公告原文>> 按海關上星期五下午的新聞內容,我司作出以下回應: 新聞內容及海關部門均沒有註明採用那項安全標準測試,也沒有提及使用了哪種測試方法,如按照現行《玩具及兒童產品安全條例》規定,嬰兒床只需通過三項標準內的其中一種,包括BS EN716:1&2、ISO7175及ASTM F1169,而公司按規定中選擇採用BS EN716 1&2安全要求設計及生產而且通過相關測試。 關於「拉錬有容易脫落的細小組件」,內容未能明確指出是以什麼測試方法、測試哪個組件。關於「拉錬物料釋放出過量有機錫」,內容也未能提供檢測的數據結果、以什麼標準測試、標準的規定有機錫的釋放量是多少、安全標準和測試樣本釋放量兩者相距多少等資料? 我們致力提供優質嬰兒產品給大眾,嬰兒床也經過嚴格測試,通過BS EN716:1&2標準才推出市面。...

Chapter 01 - How to choose the...

Chapter 1 - How to choose the safest baby cot? Create a safe sleeping environment for your baby! 26/10/2022 During the first few days of life, your baby will need to sleep for a total of 16 or 17 hours...

Unboxing Review of minikoioi silicone tableware (ep.1)-...

Unboxing Review of minikoioi silicone tableware (ep.1)- Bowly  17/8/2022 The new Turkish brand minikoioi is very popular recently and getting more and more attention. I believe many people are curious about minikoioi silicone products, and would like to know whether it...

How do the baby products affect the...

How do the baby products affect the development of the baby spine? 06/07/2022 As new parents, the health of your baby's body is definitely one of our main concerns. We are honored to have Dr. Chu, a professional chiropractor to...

Can car seats really protect the safety...

Can car seats really protect the safety of your child? Ways to choose the most suitable car seat! 29/04/2022 On a normal Sunday, you are driving around with your family. You carefully buckle your baby into the car seat before...

【Which brand of strollers, beds and highchairs...

 【Which brand of strollers, beds and highchairs do celebrities love?】 25 / 03 / 2022 0/3 baby has launched a number of popular baby brands before. Many of them have become the favorite brand of many celebrities, from local artists...

【Best Gift For Your Baby 2022】

【Best Gift For Your Baby 2022】 17 / 03 / 2022 The birth of a baby is surely the happiest and most heartwarming gift for parents, and we want to give our babies the best so they can grow up...

【Brand story of Peg Perego】

Peg Perego is a famous brand from Italy. Through years of hard work, Peg Perego has been researching new designs and has become a favorite brand of many people. How much do you know about the story behind the brand?...

0/3 baby strollers | Compact design. Rigorous...

0/3 baby strollers | Compact design. Rigorous test   28 / 01 / 2022 0/3 baby has brought us multi-national high quality baby brands. Peg Perego is one of the popular brands that become the all-time-favorite of a lot of...

【The benefits of Baby-Led Weaning】

【The benefits of Baby-Led Weaning】 04/01/2022 When baby reaches the weaning stage, parents struggle with how to get their baby to adapt to solid foods. Generally, parents would follow the "Traditional Weaning" which means gradually feeding soft food to your...

【Are pressure mounted baby gate safe?】

【Are pressure mounted baby gate safe?】  10 / 12 / 2021 When babies start learning how to crawl and walk, they would explore every corner of the house as they are curious. Although parents will most likely put an eye...

【Top 10 Popular Baby stroller in 2022...

【Top 10 Popular Baby stroller in 2022 - Strollers for more than 1 child】 29/11/2021 We've come to the last chapter. The previous articles have recommended single-seat strollers, and of course we won't leave out the needs of families with...

How to choose the right highchair for...

How to choose the right highchair for your baby? 10 /11/2021 Last time we explored whether the baby is suitable for sleeping in a highchair. This time we should look at how to choose the right baby highchair. There are...

【Can your baby sleep in highchair?】

【Can your baby sleep in highchair?】 10/11/2021 During the process of raising a baby, every parent faces a problem - the baby is falling asleep in the highchair, should we let him take a nap or wake him up and...

【The Best Gift for Your Baby in...

【The Best Gift for Your Baby in 2021】 22/10/2021 When you have a friend who is expecting a baby, you will want to give them a gift to celebrate the arrival of the new baby. For parents, the birth of...

【First-time parents question: Can babies eat snacks?】

【First-time parents question: Can babies eat snacks?】 08/10/2021 Babies generally have small appetites and cannot eat much at one meal, so they sometimes need extra calories between meals to cope with the daily activities. In fact, you can let your...

【Top 10 Popular Baby stroller in 2022...

【Top 10 Popular Baby stroller in 2022 - Strollers with Reversible Seat】 29/09/2021 If you like the strollers with reversible seat, you must enjoy the interaction with your baby when you go out. Parents can always keep an eye on...

【Top 10 Popular Baby stroller in 2022...

【Top 10 Popular Baby stroller in 2022 - Easy-to-fold Stroller】 22/09/2021 With so many different strollers on the market, you may have a lot of confusion. In order to solve the questions of new parents, the following will compare the...

【Top 10 Popular Baby stroller in 2022...

【Top 10 Popular Baby stroller in 2022 - Six Principles for Choosing a Baby Stroller】 09/09/2021 Let's take a look at the selection principles of baby strollers. The lighter the stroller, the better? Should I let my baby use a...

【Places for Family Day Out】

【Places for Family Day Out】 26/08/2021 Many parents begin to lament later in life that they are no longer the center of the social circle of their children. Babies and children are on the period that they still enjoy hanging...

【6 questions first-time parent ask about baby...

【6 Questions first-time parents ask about Baby Sleep】 19/08/2021   We were all babies once, but we don't remember how much effort our parents put into putting us to sleep in the first place. This time we'll answer six long-standing...

【10 Must Buy Items for Your Baby...

We understand that first-time parents are confused about everything that goes into raising a baby. Therefore, we've added a new series of "Baby Care Tips" to help parents on their journey. The first chapter we decided to introduce the top...

【Pliko mini stroller rental service comes to...

It is now possible to go shopping without bringing the stroller in Harbour City. This is our pleasure to provide the FREE stroller rental service in Harbour City! The Peg Perego Pliko mini tartan stroller is now putting into service....

【Italian-made Prima Pappa Highchair - limited time...

Peg Perego Prima Pappa Highchair coming from Italy with the simple but stylish design and soft eco-leather covering are now available in a variety of colors for you to choose from! From now until 3rd August,2021, we are offering a...

【NEW! Backpack Stroller!】Flexii -ready for small spaces...

The ultra-compact 3-fold infant baby stroller, only 5.85 kg and suitable for hand-carried to airplane. Ideal travel buddy for newborn – 4yrs child.**Compact Backpack Stroller** Unique frame design – folded as Backpack size. Hand-carry on board is even easy.**Ultra-compact with...

Nachfolger HY5 – Foldable Child Carseat

And lighter. In the true sense of the word. The HY5 is the perfect solution for travel. It’s right there when you need it.And once you’ve reached your destination, you can stow it away in a flash. It’s a true...

【NEW Peter Rabbit Baby Beddings】100% Combed Cotton...

NEW Peter Rabbit baby beddings made by 100% Combed Cotton, which has softer texture because all dirt and impurities have been removed from the thread.Combed cotton makes PETER RABBIT Beddings become stronger as well, because shorter and breakable fibers have...

【0/3 baby NEW product】COFA simple but innovative...

Multiple purposes Co-Sleep baby cot, brings advantages include: quick install, easy to move around, safe and intimate Co-Sleep and sustainable using, all fits new parents’ need and nursery situations nowadays.• COFA better way to deal with newborn sleeping issues –...
